HerbAnne Mastodon

Roman Noseband

Following the demise of the Beta Band the Noseband lept into action with the critically observed 'Reperchage' album. The LP had a very limited release in the early years of the century and was described by one adoring publication as 'Fecking weird'......On the back of this adulation the Noseband observed a musical truce until the - again limited -

Following the demise of the Beta Band the Noseband lept into action with the critically observed 'Reperchage' album. The LP had a very limited release in the early years of the century and was described by one adoring publication as 'Fecking weird'......On the back of this adulation the Noseband observed a musical truce until the - again limited - release of their Roman Noise EP .

Now , with the square having gone full circle, StickyBox are proud to announce not only the re-release of Reperchage and Roman Noise but a brand new 8 track album titled 'HerbAnne Mastodon' which will be available from 3rd March 2020 through iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and the normal outlets as well as in CD format from the StickyBox Store.

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